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8 Reasons You Should Be Having More Quickies

Updated: Aug 21, 2021



a brief act or instance of having sex.

The quickie is underappreciated, so I’m here to sing its praises and raise its profile. And the best way is to give you eight health benefits to partaking in one.

1. Better than caffeine or a morning routine

The temptation if you are feeling tired is to grab another coffee. But sex can provide just as much energy as an espresso without the crash and burn feeling that comes when the caffeine hit subsides.

Unscheduled, fast-paced sex can give you an energy boost. "Sex boosts your energy levels because it releases endorphins in your body that help you feel good,” says sexologist Marla Renee Stewart, MA. She recommends a quickie in the morning to wake you up and get the day going.

Not only is it a great kickstart for the day, but it will make you feel closer to your partner throughout the day. (That’s a spoiler for point six, but I wanted to give you a sneak preview of what lays ahead).

2. Spice up your life

We met at an Irish pub between our offices, headed to the toilet, and had a quickie. It was exhilarating!

That was the first response I got when I asked my friends recently what their best sex experience had been. I was expecting threesomes or BDSM or a crazy tale of experimentation, but that came from a friend who has been married for fifteen years.

He and his wife work in city centre, about ten minutes walk from each other. They have three children and work long hours. One afternoon feeling that 3 pm lull in energy, Brandon texted his wife and suggested the meetup. They hadn't done it before and found it exciting. He said they now do this every so often, and it has helped an otherwise mundane sex life.

And that’s the best thing about the quickie. It can be anywhere, anytime. Restroom of a restaurant. In the back of the car during a long road trip. In between video calls.

It adds a bit of spice to a relationship.

Try it — text your sex partner and suggest a quickie.


Finished your text? Then here is a health benefit for this point — a study by Wharton University found that variety in life leads to greater happiness.

3. Unleash your creativity

Struggling with writers' block?

You know the answer.

A study by the University of Newcastle found that sex boosts creativity. It found that Pablo Picasso, Lord Byron, and Dylan Thomas all had very active sex lives that helped with their creativity and art.

“Sex is absolutely linked to creativity and imagination. Through the breath, sound, and movement of our intimate activities, the body increases vitality, which amplifies our ability to gather and visualize psychic information. By staying present and embodied, we energetically interpret information that is flowing to us, which regularly would go undetected. My most creative ideas have emerged during or after an amazing lovemaking session when I surrender to the body’s vibration. They come to me as obvious and clear revelations!” Frank Mondeoses, President of Monde Osé and Faculty Member of International Schools of Temple Arts.

Like Frank, the quickie I referenced at the beginning of this story helped my creativity. I unlocked my writing flow and wrote an article that went viral. (And it’s the only time I want sexual activity to make me viral).

4. I CAN get some satisfaction

One study shows that having sex when unplanned and unexpected can give you higher relationship satisfaction.

People lead busy lives with work, children, and a plethora of excuses for not having time. Having a quickie gets around these issues. If you suddenly find yourselves with five to ten minutes free in your day — hop to it.

Holly Richmond, Ph.D., says quickies are great for relationships.

“I often ask my clients, do you want to have some sex, or do you want to have no sex? Some people think the scene has to be set perfectly. They need to be showered, the sheets need to be clean, and the kids have to be with a babysitter.”

Research from the Harvard Medical School found that strong relationships are as important to your health as sleep and diet.

So to make a simple math equation based on Harvard research.

Quickie = Better Relationship = Health

5. Penis pilates

Headaches? Stressed? No need to meditate. Forget yoga — the only downward-facing dog you should be doing should be in the bedroom. Sex releases that wonderful hormone oxytocin that reduces stress levels.

A study in the journal Biological Psychology found that sexual activity prevents increases in blood pressure during stressful events.

So replace the cobra with the cowgirl. Say OHHHHHHH instead of Ohm.

Also, can we make penis pilates a thing?

6. Somebody to love

A quick romp is a great reminder that your partner still desires you. Quickies are a great reminder that you and your partner still desire one another.

And the post quickie glow lasts longer than you may think. Psychological Science conducted a study that revealed that people were satisfied for a full 48 hours after sexual activity. Feeling loved by your partner led to afterglow and increased happiness.

Show you still care with a few minutes of wild passion.

7. Siri, I’m working out!

I have an Apple Watch that tracks my fitness.

It is kind of like my mom reminding me to do my homework in that it loves to tell me that I haven't moved enough.

Time to get active! flashes up on my wrist.

I have a choice at this stage. To get dressed in my gym gear and trudge down to the gym where I look forlornly at the bodies of men much buffer than me. Or I could request a quickie, get undressed and look passionately at the naked body of my partner.

You can even calculate the number of kilojoules you'll burn using the Sex Calculator. A missionary quickie will burn about 60KJ.

That should please Siri.

8. Lost in the moment

Spontaneous sex can be the best sex.

There isn't time to think or worry; it’s straight into the action. It doesn't matter if you haven't shaved or waxed or are wearing unsexy clothes.

It’s a time to get lost in the passion and animal instincts of raw sex.

Perhaps you are more aggressive or try a new move. Like Holly Richmond said no need to fuss about romances; it’s all about that sex.

If you get anxious about sexual performance, a quickie will free you from expectations.

So next time you are tired, stressed, lacking creativity or energy — get in a quickie. It’s important for your health. Hopefully, you texted someone when I suggested it way back in point two, and you are now ready to get jiggy with it.


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